Native American Liaison
Office of External Affairs

Eagle LogoNews for Tribes - Resource Highlights


Conserving this Nation’s fish and other aquatic resources cannot be successful without the partnership of Tribes; they manage or influence some of the most important aquatic habitats both on and off reservations. In addition, the Federal government and the Service have distinct and unique obligations toward Tribes based on trust responsibility, treaty provisions, and statutory mandates.

Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible To Receive Services From the Bureau of Indian Affairs

Published below is a list of federally acknowledged tribes in the contiguous 48 states and in Alaska. This list updates the list published on October 1, 2010, to reflect an addition published in an October 27, 2010 Notice, and one other addition and various name changes and corrections. To aid in identifying tribal name changes, the tribe’s former name is included with the new tribal name. To aid in identifying corrections, the tribe’s previously listed name is included with the tribal name. We will continue to list the tribe’s former or previously listed name for several years before dropping the former or previously listed name from the list.

The listed entities are acknowledged to have the immunities and privileges available to other federally acknowledged Indian tribes by virtue of their government-to-government relationship with the United States as well as the responsibilities, powers, limitations and obligations of such tribes. We have continued the practice of listing the Alaska Native entities separately solely for the purpose of facilitating identification of them and reference to them given the large number of complex Native names.

Federal Register Notice PDF File


Disclaimer: Resource accomplishments provided by the tribe are for informational purposes only. It does not imply endorsement of any kind by the U.S. Government.

Last updated: August 21, 2012
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